
Eyelashes Perm Experience – Is It Worth It Or Not?

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eyelashes perm experience

Everyone seems to be raving about longer and curlier lashes so I decided to give it a try, and this is my eyelashes perm experience, is it worth it? Before going on a trip I like doing beautiful things that will save me time doing my makeup. For example, a few days before a trip I will tint my eyebrows. This lasts a couple of weeks. Or I like eyelash extensions so I won’t have to worry about curling, and wearing mascara.

Every time I try out something new as far as beauty related I like to use Ebates and Groupon. I use both so that I get a double discount! If you use my Ebates invitation link they give you $10 on your first use.




what do I like + what I don’t like + do I recommend it?

What’s the difference between eyelash extensions & eyelashes perm?

This time I tried eyelashes perm. The difference between eyelash extension and eyelash perm in case you’re not familiar is basically with the eyelash extension they will apply hair by hair, by hair. This process can take up to an hour. With the eyelash perm, they will use your own eyelashes to give it a dramatic curve. This process can take more than two hours.


My Experience

After purchasing my eyelashes perm offer through Ebates and Groupon I was ready to go. The place I went to was nice. It had a view of an open field full of cows. I was kind of nervous, and watching the cows made me relax because cows are not common to see here in Miami so to me, they look so adorable and cute!

During the session, I was laying down by the entrance which I didn’t appreciate. In the past when I have done eyelash extensions they have private small rooms. I thought at this place they were going to offer a private space to get this process done. Thankfully it wasn’t full of people.

The whole process took about two hours and a half. They had relaxing music, and the lady was friendly.

More than keeping my eyes closed I was tightly closing them to prevent any chemical from getting into my eye. I share a bad eyelash extension experience video and now I’m scared it might happen again.


PROS: What I like

With the eyelashes perm what I liked is that the results look nice. I liked waking up to see my eyes with dramatic eyelashes. I didn’t have to worry about curling them, or applying mascara. Just eyeshadow, and doing the tightline eyeliner was more than enough.

As a result, I did my makeup much faster, saving me time in my makeup routine. Another thing I liked is that the eyelash perm lasts much longer than eyelash extensions. The eyelash extensions can last around two weeks, with refills in between. With the eyelash perm, it can last up to a month, but in my case, it lasted around a month and a half.


CONS: What I didn’t like

Something I didn’t like about the eyelashes perm is that I was not able to apply eyeliner. I had a hard time applying eyeliner because the lashes were so close to the skin. I was not able to get the pencil in between, it was really difficult.


Final verdict: Would I recommend it?

I think it’s a good idea to try it out to see if you like it. It’s a good way to test different places, and check out different prices. It might be something you end up loving, or hating.

This was my eyelashes perm experience. I hope this has been helpful to give you an idea.

Let me know if this is something you have tried out before, and if you did, did you like it?

Until the next blog post!


Eyelashes Perm experience video:


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